Monday, June 11, 2012

Jetpack Piggy Jam Comic

I participate in a local drawing group which is awesome. We meet regularly, we discuss our projects, we show off artwork, and we draw comics as a group. The group consists of four members: Jeremy Johnson, Travis Eck, Jeff Welborn and me. Up until recently, we named our group 4 After 5. At a recent meeting, we discussed the possibility of adding more members, so we decided a name change was in order.

After much discussion and brainstorming, I proud to announce we've settled on a new name:
The Drawing Board.

Here's one of our latest jam comics. This is how the jam comics work. One person draws the first panel. Then, someone else draws the next panel. And so on. The panels were drawn by (in this order): Travis Eck, Jeff Welborn, Jeremy Johnson and, last but not least, me.

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