October 3 was 24 Hour Comic Book Day. For those not in-the-know, 24 Hour Comic Book Day is an annual event in which cartoonists and comic artists all over the world attempt to create a 24 page comic book in 24 hours. This is my effort. I finished on time, working right up til the last minute. I stayed up the full 24 hours working on it. I started and stopped many times throughout the process. I nodded off in my drawing chair a few times and got discouraged. I shook it off and pushed through it! I didn't even pencil any of the artwork. It's all done with felt tip pens and Sharpies. It really speeds up the process when you don't stop to erase. If I made a mistake, I would just scrap the drawing and redraw it immediately. The writing is subpar and some of the art is crude, but that's to be expected in a 24 hour comic. For more information on 24 Hour Comic Book Day, consult your local library...or better yet: www.24hourcomicsday.com
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